You’re invited to a Father’s Day Fun Run/Walk on Sunday, June 16 at Kildonan Park. Check-in opens at 9:30 am, and the race begins at 10:00 am.
Meeting point: Hawk Shelter
This city-wide event is hosted by the Health Ministries departments from Winnipeg Adventist churches. This is a great time to participate in a fun fitness challenge with a distance of 5 kilometres (5K). You’ll also connect with the church community and honor the fathers & fatherly figures who attend. There will be prizes and light refreshments served after the race. Everyone of all ages & fitness levels are welcome!
Race participants are asked to contribute $5 per person. Payment can be submitted to your local Health Ministries representative:
Henderson Highway Rep –> Diana Aikens & team color is Red
Silver Heights Rep –> Leonie Thompson & team color is Green
Winnipeg Central & Moutain-Andrews All Nations Rep –> Lethoya Oliphant & team color is Blue
Lighthouse Rep –> Tarisai Mukora & team color is Yellow
Register yourself and any guests (if applicable) using the form below. To volunteer, please indicate on the form or contact your local Health Ministries rep.