
About Henderson Highway Seventh-day Adventist Church

Henderson Highway Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a community of believers that believe in coming together to worship our Creator, loving each other, and setting aside time each week to rest in the assurance of God’s love. We believe in letting biblical principles determine how we do church and how we live our lives.

We desire to seek God through:

  • Prayer: "The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth." Psalm 145:18
  • Scripture: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1
  • Obedience: "Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us." 1 John 3:24
  • Fellowship: “...that they may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent me." John 17:21


We exist to create pathways towards a wholesome lifestyle by equipping and encouraging the community through service inspired by Jesus Christ.


To be the place where people experience powerful transformation through God's grace, hope and love.



The history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Manitoba started in the rural areas when colporteurs, Mr and Mrs C. D. Richards, began distributing literature in 1889. The first organized church was in Wakopa. The first convert is believed to have been Neil McGill who later became a minister. He apparently was given a copy of ‘Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation’ which was originally sold in North Dakota and, through reading it, accepted the Adventist message. Neil McGill’s son, David, of White Rock, B.C. provided some information for the ‘Historical Highlights’, a history of the church compiled in 1970 by Mary and Georgia Neithercut and Elder and Mrs. Roger Ferris. ‘Historical Highlights’ and ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ by J. Ernest Monteith, along with the recollections and experiences of many people, provided the background material given here.


By 1895 the Adventist message had spread to Winnipeg, also through the work of colporteurs, some of whom were Arthur Huntley, E.M. Chapman and G.W. Sowler. During the winter of 1895 W.H. Falconer held a series of meetings in the Trades Hall in Winnipeg and, at the conclusion of the series, organized a church of thirteen members on April 14,...


The first German-speaking Adventist congregation in Manitoba was organized at Morden on July 22, 1894 with eighteen members. Among early converts in the Morden district were the grandparents of Elder Arthur Spenst who later pastored the Henderson Highway Church in Winnipeg. The year 1912 saw a considerable evangelistic activity in Winnipeg. Two series of meetings were held, one for the...


In September, 1975, thirty-seven members of Henderson Highway Church established a congregation in Transcona, meeting in the lounge of Park Manor Personal Care Home. The first pastor was Mel Djkowich, followed by Arthur Hiebert. In 1984 the group rented Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Windsor Park for a couple of years and in October 1986 became part of the...


Winnipeg Southeast Seventh-day Adventist Church was the name given to the property purchased near Lagimodiere Blvd. The site had a Quonset building on it. With much dedication and hard work, the members renovated and refurbished the barn-like structure into a comfortable house of worship. Benches and an organ were obtained from the Melfort church. Having a good number of young...


On January 1, 1987, a beautiful new church was opened on property at 416 Cathcart Street, directly across the street from West Park Manor Personal Care Home. There were forty charter members. The church has a seating capacity of 300 and is beautifully appointed. Pastor John Gilbert was the first minister, followed by Rick Harwood, Frank McMiller and the present...


Winnipeg is well known for its ethnic diversity and our church reflects that fact. The need for German and Ukrainian language churches decreased as the young people became fluent in English. However, in the 1970’s a number of Korean immigrants began coming to Canada and a vibrant Korean-speaking congregation met in Henderson Highway Church Centennial Hall for a number of...


These are the pastors who have served as leads, associates, and assistants since the facility opened: LEAD PASTOR ASSOCIATE & ASSISTANT PASTORS Roger Ferris William Kennedy Arthur Spenst Allan Freed Rudy James Ronald Bissell LaVerne Schlehuber John Gilbert Raul Hernandez Harry Sackett Robert Hossack Ronald Sydenham Wesley Szamko Dave LeMaire Jeff Potts Jennifer Tataryn Petar Djakov Dave Miller, Lucian Poama...

What We Believe

Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as the only source of our beliefs. We consider our movement to be the result of the protestant conviction Sola Scriptura—the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice for Christians.

Currently, Adventists hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six categories—the doctrines of God, man, salvation, the church, the Christian life and last day events. In each teaching, God is the architect, who in wisdom, grace and infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.