“Don’t complain that we have to carry our cross. We can complain the day we have to die upon it. But praise God that because Jesus died on it we never will have to. Yes, we must carry our cross but Jesus is the one who died upon it.” Listen to this encouraging message from Pastor Lucian Poama. And remember …
Uniquely Different: Pastor Lucian Poama
Pastor Lucian reminds us that it is time that we take a stand for the Truth. For the unique differences that are Seventh-day Adventists. To spend time in prayer and deep Bible study so that we will not be fooled by error.
One Direction: Pastor Josue Sanchez
The good fight is not trying to be good. The good fight is keeping the one direction, the one that matters – looking at Jesus. Listen to this humble presentation by Pastor Josue Sanchez.
The Time is Near: Petar Djakov
Signs around us shows that we are living in the Time of the End. The Bible tells us that when we see these signs being fulfilled we should ‘look up, for our redemption draweth near’. Listen as Pastor Djakov shares encouraging words in light of the recent message sent by the Pope to protestant denominations. Included are comments from Pastor …
He Lift Up My Head: Stephanie Yamniuk
Like the sunflower that looks like the sun. That should be our goal in life to “look” like the Son – Jesus. Listen as Stephanie shares lessons from the sunflower.