Within Earshot

“I CAN’T HEAR! I CAN’T HEAR!” As a family settled in together for devotions, one member wished to change locations. Seated comfortably, no one else shared the desire so the devotional time would happen where they already were. Determined to have their own way, the lone relative left the room. Though the answer was no, they presumed that the rest of the …

Job Postings

Updated: December 12, 2024 Here are three employment opportunities, listed below: Park Manor Care, in Winnipeg, MB, is hiring a full-time Social Worker. The candidate is expected to work in coordination with the Nursing and Support Services Departments to implement the responsibilities related to the residents of Park Manor Care. Applicants should hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Practical …

When the Answer is ‘No’ (part 3)

We have a phenomenal idea that could only improve life. Who would dare to refuse a brilliant plan? Certain that He’ll bless our concept, we ask God anticipating His yes. Instead, He says no. What now? One reaction is to resent that our idea was rejected. Perhaps we walk away completely, washing our hands of everything. Never again would we dare to even …

When the Answer is No (part 2)

If the queen offered to build us a house, we’d probably accept before she finished speaking. Oh yes, please! She has the means and resources. I imagine her contact list is full of skilled craftspeople eager to please and impress the queen. Why say no? King David had a brilliant idea—to build a temple, a beautiful place for God’s Ark to dwell. He …

When the Answer is ‘No’

We try our best to bring fantastic ideas to life. Possibilities are outlined. Loopholes are patched. Any flaws, even the microscopic ones are found, then corrected. We think of answers for all potential questions to support our idea. We may even share the concept freely, in hopes of gaining favorable support from others. Being rejected is not an option when it’s …