Available on YouTube Passion and zeal as portrayed by great ancient leaders & philosophers in sharing their ideas and beliefs should be ours today in proclaiming what we believe with a sense of contagious enthusiasm. Image what our church would look like then.
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The Rib: Hugh French
Available on YouTube “Woman was not not taken from man’s feet, to be under him, nor was she taken from his head, to be above him. She was taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side.” Is this why woman was created from man’s rib? Find the answer in this sermon by Hugh French.
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No Strings Attached: Josue Sanchez
Available on YouTube Many principles of successful businesses can be traced to the Bible. Pastor Josue shares business principles found in the book “Love is the Killer App” by Tim Sanders. Principles that originates from the Bible. Are we sharing these Bible ‘business’ principles in our everyday life? Start today and see the rewards of a successful Christian Life.