Available on YouTube But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, – Titus 3:4-5
Fruit of the Spirit-Goodness: Petar Djakov
Available on YouTube Goodness consists not as much in the outward things we do, but in the inward things we are.
Fruit of the Spirit – Patience: Petar Djakov
Available on YouTube In this sermon continuing the series “The Fruit of the Spirit”, Pastor Petar admonishes us that in our dealing with our fellow men we must reproduce the loving, forbearing, forgiving, patient attitude that God shows towards us.
Fruit of the Spirit – Peace: Petar Djakov
Available on YouTube Jesus speaks of inward peace of soul such as comes to him who is “justified by faith,” whose sense of guilt has been laid at the foot of the cross, and whose anxieties about the future have been swallowed up in his implicit trust in God. Such a peace Jesus terms “My peace.” Such a peace the …
Fruit of the Spirit – Joy: Petar Djakov
Available on YouTube Joy is not a luxury or a mare accessory in the Christian life. It is the sign that we are really living in God’s wonderful love, and that love satisfies us.
Should Christian Keep the FEAST DAYS: Prof. Ron Du Preez
Available on YouTube A series that looks at the Feast Days of the Old Testament and should Christians today celebrate those festivals.
Fruit of the Spirit – Love:Petar Djakov
Available on YouTube The first in the series “The Fruit of the Spirit”.
Longinus:Werner Umbach
Available on YouTube Werner takes us through the feelings and experiences of the centurion who at Christ’s crucifixion exclaimed “Surely this man was the Son of God”