The university professor called for the tests to be submitted. The students filed out, leaving their booklets on his desk. Soon, only one student remained, hand flying across the page, writing furiously. Moments later, he went to submit his test. The professor started to refuse him. Attempting to plead his case, the student asked the professor a question. Do you know my name? Agape, …
Every Single Day
Three-year-old Avlina knows when it’s time to sit by the window. Anticipating a special guest, she waits eagerly. Every single day. Ian, a local postal worker, faithfully appears in Avlina’s neighborhood. A familiar face, Ian is adored by the residents on Avlina’s street. Going above and beyond his job description, Ian delivers more than mail. He also brings joy. Every single day. Smiling broadly, Ian …
Do Good, Be Love
In the previous post, we talked about doing good. This week, we’re reflecting on who we should do good to. Galatians 6:10 says “Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.” (NLT) Especially. Whenever God repeats Himself, emphasizing a particular point, it’s because He knows that this may be a point of struggle for …