When a celebratory or tragic situation occurs, the reactions vary. Everyone has a feeling or two on the topic, whether acknowledging disappointment or joy, committing to do better, or something in between. Large corporations may issue a public statement either with words, video, or silence to share their reaction to a current event. Going above and beyond, leaders are may …
DIY Cake
Capturing baking ingredients, a photo meme hinted at soon-coming deliciousness. Eggs, vanilla, flour, baking powder, baking soda, butter, sugar, and milk. The caption explained that in honor of the local IKEA manager’s celebration, they were being sent a cake. An unassembled cake in a DIY format. Do it yourself. IKEA, known for its ginormous showrooms featuring home furnishings, appliances, and décor, sell their products with …
Help Rebrand RRVJA
Now that Red River Valley Junior Academy has expanded to include grades K-12, it’s time to rebrand. All constituent members are invited to share their naming ideas through this brief survey.The survey closes on November 6, 2020. Take the survey online. Print survey & mail it to RRVJA. Scan QR code.
The Power of One
This week, the province of Manitoba released a graph depicting the reach of COVID-19. Within 12 days, one symptomatic person made 243 close contacts, resulting in 40 infections of the virus. All it takes is one. The power of one is, at times, overlooked. When one is overwhelmed to the point of near impossibility, we’re tempted to give up without making the slightest effort. After all, …
Don’t Forget to Remember
Unintentionally, we forget. We’ll remember a birthday or significant event in the weeks leading up to it, then forget the day of. How we felt (and maybe still feel) when hearing cruel insults can be replayed in our minds endlessly, yet we have to dig deep for an affirming compliment. We forget the countless times when God made us a …
God Knows
The stroller looked out of place. It sat alone outside a café, unattended. Perhaps the owner had taken their young baby in on this chilly day. Inside, a woman rocked side to side with impatience, willing the workers to fulfill her order with lightning speed. She was also nervous, constantly tugging up the top of her fully zipped jacket to ensure …