Goal setting has evolved. Sitting, brainstorming, and dreaming is the first part. Now included is looking for what someone else has already done that we can add our own twist to. Excitedly, we declare “hashtag goals!”
Fascinated by a makeover or transformation? #Goals
Mesmerized by a romance? #Goals
Inspired by successful story? #Goals
Mouth-watering culinary creations? #Goals
This goal setting trend applies within a faith context as well.
Encouraged by an overcomer? #Goals
Want to be a prayer warrior with a direct line to God? #Goals
Amazed at how one memorizes scripture? #Goals
Baffled by how one keeps their cool when provoked? #Goals
In Acts 20:24, Paul recommends a goal that we should all be striving for. He says “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” (NLT)
What Paul accomplished in his life is goal worthy. He shared the gospel with prisoners, spiritual leaders, military, government officials, and more. Whether he was freshly bathed, under house arrest, or shipwrecked, Paul shared God’s love. Like us, Paul faced hard challenges and wrestled with prayers that weren’t answered as he’d hoped. Yet he was never deterred.
If Paul is #goals, how can we possibly compete with that?
We can’t.
Instead, we can do our God-given assignment. God never asked us to do what Paul did. We cannot complete someone else’s assignment.
God is fully aware of our past, our present status and overall wellbeing. Yet, He still wants to use us for a specific assignment.
There is a unique way that we can each share the gospel, the Good News about the grace of God, right as we are in this moment. Our voice, our story, our actions will reach ears and hearts more effectively than anyone else could.
When we keep on eyes on God, He makes our assignment clear. We we rely on Him, the gifts He’s given us became more obvious and visible. For His glory.
May our #goals be to let “everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God.”(Message Bible)
Sabrina Jacques-Rowe
Communication Director, Henderson Highway Church