Our thoughts are often directed to the heartbreaking sacrifice of Jesus as He hung on the cross. We match His silence, His conduct to what was prophesied years before. We focus on the fact that He died for us. He took our place.
While Jesus’ death was the main attraction that historic day, it was not the only scene that was unfolding. Jesus never stopped serving. As long as there was life in His body, He used that opportunity to be active. To love.
Jesus found no comfort in watching His mourners weep. Their tears, their grief intensified His agony. Rather than reflecting on His achievements in those final moments, Jesus continued to meet needs.
As Jesus watched His mother and His beloved disciple, John, huddling together at the foot of the cross, His heart was moved. He didn’t simply pray, asking God to comfort them while begging for peace. He didn’t suggest that John ‘man up’ and quit sniveling. As they expressed their sorrow, Jesus took action.
When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to this disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home. John 19:26, 27 (NLT)
Jesus’ siblings were absent, unavailable to support their widowed mother. Without support, without love, she would soon wither away. Jesus knew that John would also struggle at this time. He honored His mother and John the best way He could—by giving them to each other.
When we go through hardships, how can we use those moments to actively love others?
As the Easter season approaches, we’re exploring the seven last sayings of Jesus. This series is designed to help us reflect on our choices and our commitment to living as followers of Christ. Are you able to say these statements with sincerity?