Spend time with the Lord every single day.
Do not put your children above your husband. Someday, your children will be gone. And then who’s going to stay with you?
Make sure that they see you reading the Bible and praying.
You are molding your children into what they’re going to be.
Mothers, you will never be perfect. So don’t get frustrated when you make mistakes.
Pray for their friendships. Pray for their future spouses.
Bring them and train them up and show them that church activities are more important than any earthly activities.
Tell the truth. If they hear you tell a lie, they will lie too!
Don’t give them everything they want. That can be dangerous.
If your mother taught you to love God, if your mother put the seed of God inside of you, no matter how far you run from God, it’s going to still be there.
You can struggle, you can fight, you can say anything you want. But that training is going to be there until the day you die.
There’s a lot of training out there that want to pull your children away from the training you have given them.
The enemy wants to take away, squeeze out of their minds, their hearts, the training their mother gave them.
“Labor in faith and confidence, for the time will never come when God will forsake you.” – Desire of Ages