In a previous article, we looked at what happens when we’re plugged in and connected but still powerless.
How can we maintain a power-filled connection with God?
Through prayer.
Prayer is talking with God. It’s a building block to our connection with Him. Prayer is the one action step we can take in every situation.
We can talk to God about everything. There is no topic that’s taboo for God. We can’t scare Him off by sharing what’s on our heart. When we’re overwhelmed, unsure of where or how to start, talk to God. Share what’s on your heart as best you can. He’s not listening with a red pen in hand to evaluate the composition of our prayers.
God is fluent in all languages. We can pray in any dialect and He will understand without hesitation. Even in the moments where we cannot verbalize our thoughts, a combination of moaning, groaning, and tears work well. We can also sing and write out our prayers. Our attempts to communicate something will go farther than our choice to say nothing.
As we talk to God, we need to also make space for listening. Our gracious and extremely generous God patiently listens to everything we say. Yet sometimes, we end our prayer time feeling unsettled and unresolved when we haven’t asked God what He has to say.
Through prayer, God reveals Himself to us. He empowers us through His Holy Spirit. He encourages us to spend time in His Word, where we can learn about His character and the depths of His love for all humanity. We read the history of the world and are encouraged by His promise-keeping abilities. The scriptures are there to correct us. To guide us. To teach us. And much more.
At Henderson Highway Church, we believe in prayer. We have seen God move in magnificent ways because of our prayers. Likewise, we have experienced hardships when we have neglected prayer.
Starting at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, October 3, we’re getting Plugged In. We’re being intentional in connecting with God. This midweek spiritual boost is an hour for us all to reconnect with Christ and with each other. We’ll have family-friendly worship, testimonies and prayer time.
Let’s get Plugged In, connected and filled with the power of God.
Even if you can’t make it to church on Wednesday evenings, we encourage you to pause anytime between 6-7pm to pray from wherever you are.
Written by Sabrina Jacques-Rowe
Communication Leader
Henderson Highway Church