The cost of Christianity is often overlooked.
It’s more valuable than any price tag could ever capture. Yes, God asks for a tithe and encourages the cheerful giving of freewill offerings. Our spirituality will be exponentially enhanced when we choose to trust Him with our treasure. But His love is not dependent on our level of financial giving.
There is an even greater cost.
God asks us to trust Him completely by surrendering our lives to Him. To let Him direct our steps, guiding us every day. He asks us to be obedient to His will. To let Him avenge the wrongs done to us.
God asks us to promptly offer forgiveness to others. Likewise, we should be just as quick to seek forgiveness from others when we err.
God asks us to trust Him with the Sabbath, every seventh day each week. Not to veg out, twiddling our thumbs from sunset to the following sunset. Sabbaths are for celebrating creation, resting, doing good, worshipping, and more.
He asks us to serve others, especially those who may never be able to reciprocate.
God can ask big because He was the first One to give big.
“Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?” (Romans 8:32, NLT)
What a marvelous gift from the bottomless depths of His overwhelming love.
God freely gave Jesus. No strings attached.
For us.
This was not a political or sadistic gamble. God didn’t acquire additional land or power. Our pain is never pleasurable to Him.
God freely gave to save us. His giving doesn’t stop there. He helps us overcome sin and stay closely connected to Him moment by moment. And He also provides all that we need to live.
Much of Christianity involves giving. Because of Jesus, this is affordable for all who are willing to trust Him. Our sacrifice is worth the cost.
Sabrina Jacques-Rowe
Communication Director, Henderson Highway Church