During a recent children’s story, the storyteller talked about how it’s vital to the Christian experience for us to connect with Christ through prayer. As part of his interactive story, the storyteller, who serves as a firefighter in his local community, was suited up in protective gear including his oxygen tank.
Attached to the gear is an alarm system designed to monitor specific levels and movement. When there is idleness, an alarm starts to sound. It increases in four levels of volume, as a firefighting partner is notified.
When movement is not detected, it may be because a firefighter is in distress and requires rescuing. While the alarms are blaring, their fellow colleagues aren’t sitting around casting lots, casually wondering who is going to step up to help. They rush in so that a brother or sister is not lost.
When Jesus dispatched the disciples to go and share the gospel message, they weren’t sent on solo missions. They traveled with another disciple. The work involved was too overwhelming for one to accomplish alone. They had a teammate, a prayer partner to help keep them accountable and encouraged along the journey.
In our Christian walk, we have times when we are immobile, though fully dressed and equipped for service. Because we are not moving, alarms have been activated. Sirens are blaring, lights are flashing, but we’re not rushing in to rescue our brother or sister.
We need to support one another as we serve God. We’re all working towards one common goal—Heaven. While we cannot reach everyone, we can do our best to love those God places in our path. The work is not meant to be done alone.
There are times when we may feel discouraged or unmotivated. We will be knocked down, wounded by the trials of life, struggling to get up again. This is one reason to work together.
Dear God, please give us Your hearing for the blaring sirens. Open our eyes to see the flashing lights of those who are struggling. Help us to be obedient when You call us to assist in a rescue. May we pray earnestly for each other, so that Your love will be seen and felt. Amen.
Sabrina Jacques-Rowe
Communication Leader
Henderson Highway Church